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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Office 365 for Students


Indiana Wesleyan University students are eligible to install the latest version of Microsoft Office (Office365) via their Office 365 subscription. This applies to full-time employees as well.
If you have previous versions or a trial version of MS Office on your computer, you must uninstall them and reboot before installing the free version to avoid potential conflicts.


First Step

Begin by signing into the MyIWU Portal

  1. Visit

  2. Sign in with your IWU Email Address and Password

Second Step

  1. In the very top left corner of the portal click on the nine-dot menu button (1) and then click Microsoft 365 (2) from that menu

  2. Select the Install apps in the upper rightclipboard_e741e3dbe794e31d31cbabbe5ec4e279e.png

  3. Click Microsoft 365 Apps to download the EXE file


   4. ​​​​​​ When met with Get started with Microsoft 365 pop-up, click the OfficeSetup.exe file (located in your downloads tab in your browser) to Install the software.


   5. Allow the download to proceed when met with a pop-up asking permission. Once completed, proceed to sign in (refer to the tip below for what information to log in with).

After installing Office, when opening an Office program for the first time, you'll be asked to sign in. Use your IWU Email Address and your IWU Password to sign in.

What's Next

You will then see an automated download and installation process.  It is advisable to wait until the total installation has completed before opening any Office applications, even if Microsoft allows you to do otherwise.



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