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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Databases Don't Show Up

Adding Server Connection

  1. Go to File, then Open Remote
  2. Change to Favorite Host
  3. click add
  4. type in
  5. name it IWU and then save

Filemaker 10 and under

A common issue within newer versions of FileMaker (10 being the most frequent) prevents the lists of databases from appearing after adding the "fmsrv" to the list of favorite remote hosts. To resolve this follow these steps:


To resolve this issue in Filemaker Pro 11 please see the section at the end of this article.
  1. Navigate to the Program Files folder on the computer experiencing this issue
  2. Open up the Filemaker folder and locate a file named "Root.pem"
  3. Rename this file to root.pem.bak or similar
  4. Relaunch Filemaker and check to see if all databases are now loaded under the "fmsrv" host.

Filemaker 11

  1. Download and save the "Server.pem" file attached to this article
  2. Place the file in C:/Program Files/Filemaker/Filemaker Pro 11/
  3. Relaunch Filemaker and test.
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