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Accessories for Video Recording
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Using a wireless microphone with a camera
- wireless microphone kit
- 1/4 inch to 1/8th inch cable, or microphone XLR to 1/8th inch cable
- camera
- headphones
- recommended, but not required
- for previewing sound
- spare AA batteries
- recommended, but not required
- most microphones require two batteries
Using a wired handheld microphone with a camera
- wired microphone
- microphone XLR to 1/8th inch cable
- camera
- headphones
- recommended, but not required
- for previewing sound
Using a Camera with a sound system
- 6" XLR to 1/8th inch cable with an isolation transformer
- long microphone XLR cable
- camera
- headphones
- recommended, but not required
- for previewing sound
- some devices may have only one audio jack. In these cases, you may not be able to use headphones connected to the camera, but will need to connect the headphones to the sound system to monitor the camera's sound. If you need this feature, please indicate this when requesting which camera you would like to check out.