Student Internet Usage Policy
Clarification of University stance on Internet Usage Policy
The IWU Lifestyle Statement applies to all student activities which includes the use of the internet. Inappropriate use of the internet to access sites such as pornography, gambling, illegal downloads of content, and hate speech is outside of legitimate academic research and is therefore prohibited. IWU monitors and filters all internet activity and provides regular reports to the office of the Vice President for Student Development of internet use.
This policy will affect all students.
01-Jul-2008 Excerpt from Student Acceptable Technology Use Policy.
Policy Information
Student Policy 400.04.06
University Information Technology - Infrastructure
Approved By
Chief Information Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Additional Remarks
Excerpt from "Student Acceptable Technology Use Policy"
Related Policies: Student Handbook
Responsible Official: Chief Information Officer
There are no known exceptions to this policy at this time.
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