Student Use of Copyright Materials Policy
This policy spells out the student's responsibility regarding use of copyrighted materials.
Students are responsible for complying with copyright law and applicable licenses that apply to software, files, documents, messages and other material they wish to download or copy. Proprietary materials belonging to entities other than the student should not be transmitted on the university’s e-mail system or via the University’s Internet connection. All students obtaining access to any material prepared or created by another company or individual must respect any attached copyrights and may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward such copyrighted materials, except with written permission of the lawful owner. Students receiving electronic files via the Indiana Wesleyan University’s e-mail system or Internet connection should ensure the sender is the lawful owner or has obtained the necessary license.
This policy will affect all Indiana Wesleyan University students.
01-Jul-2008 Implemented
Policy Information
Student Policy 400.04.11
University Information Technology - Client Services
Approved By
Chief Information Officer
VP of Student Development
Additional Remarks
Excerpt from "Student Acceptable Technology Use Policy"
Related Policies: Student Handbook
Responsible Official: Chief Information Officer
There are no known exceptions to this policy at this time.
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