Grammarly Overview
What is it?/What does it “do”?
Used at colleges and universities around the world,
Grammarly is a grammar “checker” that looks for over 150 types of errors in your writing.
It looks at things like punctuation, spelling, word usage and even sentence structure. But it’s much more than that. It’s also an online editor. Simply paste your paper or any other piece of writing into the easy-to- navigate website, and Grammarly will provide you with feedback fromits automated grammar tutor. Grammarly also doesn’t stop at just “telling” you what you did wrong; it is a revision tool as well, providing users with explanations and suggested improvements. Additionally, Grammarly can be used as a Citation Audit, allowing students to check their work for improper citation or potential plagiarism. Throw in Grammarly’s free “rules” handbook ( - no “www”) and discussion forum
( and you can see why we’re excited to provide you this tool.
( ) use this link for new setup as well as returning users.
Who is it for?/What is the benefit?
Already provided as an option for faculty, we now want to offer Grammarly to all IWU students. The intent is that Grammarly will not only help students produce a more polished product but that it will help students with improving their writing process as a whole. As errors are detected and corrected, the aim is that students will learn better writing technique. While being offered to all students with the purpose of improving writing, Grammarly is an independent tool and, therefore, is not tied to IWU or any specific course in any way. Also, when edits have been completed and the student is logged off, none of the data that was entered will be saved or stored.
How much is it? And how long is it being offered?
This is the best part - it is totally free for all students and faculty! After a pilot of this tool, the positive feedback and usage data lead IWU to purchase Grammarly and make it available to all IWU students and faculty. There is no limit to the number of papers that can be submitted or the number of times a single paper is run through.
How does it work? Where do I sign up?
It is easy. Sign in at using your email address. Next, simply copy the content of the document you've been working on and paste it into the empty space on the site (depending on your computer, you may need to copy and paste content using the Control + C and Control + V buttons on your keyboard for it to work). Click Start Review. The program will analyze your work and provide feedback, along with explanations and possible corrections. Copy out the corrected content and resave it. Itís that simple!
Be sure to use the address above and NOT as this is for individual users NOT tied to the trial (and therefore requires a paid subscription). Returning users will also use