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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

XTNP - Non-Res parameters for Tree of Life Export



  1. Exclude Audit Stu From Enrollment File
    Enter Y or N for whether or not to exclude audit enrollments from the NONRES enrollment file reported to Tree of Life.  If set to "Yes", students who are registered as auditing a class will not be reported as associated with that class in the enrollment file, but will still be reported in the NONRES customer file even if they only have audit enrollments.
  2. Elective Type Term Criteria
    Enter TERMS record IDs, or a pattern string for matching TERMS records, in order to identify which terms are considered "Elective" terms.  A term that meets any one of these criteria will be labeled as an "Elective" term in the NONRES export; all other terms will be labeled as "Core".

    To perform a LookUp on the TERMS file and choose specific terms, simply fill out the field as normal.

    To enter a pattern string for matching multiple terms, begin your entry with either an equal sign (=) or an exclamation point followed by an equal sign (!=).  Like in a LookUp, you may enter "..." to indicate a wildcard in the pattern (matches zero or more characters of any kind). 

    To match a single digit 0-9, enter a number sign (#).  If you begin your entry with "=", then any terms that match the pattern will pass the criteria and be considered "Elective".  If you begin your entry with "!=", then any terms that do NOT match the pattern will pass the criteria.

    For example, the pattern "=EL#..." can be stated in English as "match any term that begins with a capital E, followed by a capital L, followed by a single digit, and ending with zero or more other characters", and yields the following results for the example terms listed below:

    EL2014 - Elective; ELMO27 - Core; ELF2016 - Core; EL9 - Elective

    Likewise, the pattern "!=EL#..." can be stated in English as "match any term that does NOT begin with a capital E, followed by a capital L, followed by a single digit, and ending with zero or more other characters", and yields the following results for the example terms listed below:

    EL2014 - Core; ELMO27 - Elective; ELF2016 - Elective; EL9 – Core
  3. Excluded Program Type Criteria
    Enter ACAD.PROGRAM record IDs in order to identify student programs for the purpose of filtering out information the NONRES Tree of Life export files.  Records that meet this criteria will NOT be included in the export files.
  4. Course Section Term Filters
    1. Term Filter
      Enter TERMS record IDs, or a pattern string for matching TERMS records, in order to identify terms for the purpose of filtering out information from the NONRES Tree of Life export files.  Records that meet the Term, Course, and Section criteria on any single row in this table will NOT be included in the export files.

      To perform a LookUp on the TERMS file and choose specific terms, simply fill out the field as normal.

      To enter a pattern string for matching multiple terms, begin your entry with either an equal sign (=) or an exclamation point followed by an equal sign (!=).  Like in a LookUp, you may enter "..." to indicate a wildcard in the pattern (matches zero or more characters of any kind). 

      To match a single digit 0-9, enter a number sign (#).

      If you begin your entry with "=", then any records with terms that match the pattern will meet the Term criteria for this row in the filter table, and if these records also meet the Course and Section criteria specified on the same row (or if there are no Course and Section criteria on the same row), then the records will be filtered out of the export files.

      If you begin your entry with "!=", then any records with terms that do NOT match the pattern will meet the Term criteria for this row in the filter table, and if these records also meet the Course and Section criteria specified on the same row (or if there are no Course and Section criteria on the same row), then the records will be filtered out of the export files.

      For example, the pattern "=EL#..." can be stated in English as "match any term that begins with a capital E, followed by a capital L, followed by a single digit, and ending with zero or more other characters", and yields the following results for records with the example terms listed below (assuming any Course or Section filter criteria on the same row are met):

      EL2014 - filtered out; ELMO27 - included; ELF2016 - filtered out; EL9 - included

      Likewise, the pattern "!=EL#..." can be stated in English as "match any term that does NOT begin with a capital E, followed by a capital L, followed by a single digit, and ending with zero or more other characters", and yields the following results for records with the example terms listed below (assuming any Course or Section filter criteria on the same row are met):

      EL2014 - included; ELMO27 - filtered out; ELF2016 - included; EL9 - filtered out
    2. Course Filter
      Enter COURSES record IDs, or a pattern string for matching COURSES records by course name, in order to identify courses for the purpose of filtering out information from the NONRES Tree of Life export files.  Records that meet the Term, Course, and Section criteria on any single row in this table will NOT be included in the export files.

      To perform a LookUp on the COURSES file and choose specific courses, simply fill out the field as normal.

      To enter a pattern string for matching multiple courses, begin your entry with either an equal sign (=) or an exclamation point followed by an equal sign (!=).  Like in a LookUp, you may enter "..." to indicate a wildcard in the pattern (matches zero or more characters of any kind).

      To match a single digit 0-9, enter a number sign (#).
      If you begin your entry with "=", then any records with course names that match the pattern will meet the Course criteria for this row in the filter table, and if these records also meet the Term and Section criteria specified on the same row (or if there are no Term and Section criteria on the same row), then the records will be filtered out of the export files.

      If you begin your entry with "!=", then any records with course names that do NOT match the pattern will meet the Course criteria for this row in the filter table, and if these records also meet the Term and Section criteria specified on the same row (or if there are no Term and Section criteria on the same row), then the records will be filtered out of the export files.

      For example, the pattern "=...#CC" can be stated in English as "match any course whose name ends with a single digit followed by two capital C's", and yields the following results for records with the example course names listed below (assuming any Term or Section filter criteria on the same row are met):
      BIO-202CC - filtered out; BIO-202ACC - included; ENG-242CC - filtered out; ENG-242C – included

      Likewise, the pattern "!=...#CC" can be stated in English as "match any course whose name does NOT end with a single digit followed by two capital C's", and yields the following results for records with the example course names listed below (assuming any  Term or Section filter criteria on the same row are met):
      BIO-202CC - included; BIO-202ACC - filtered out; ENG-242CC - included; ENG-242C - filtered out
    3. Section Filter
      Enter COURSE.SECTIONS record IDs, or a pattern string for matching COURSE.SECITONS records by section name, in order to identify course sections for the purpose of filtering out information from the NONRES Tree of Life export files.  Records that meet the Term, Course, and Section criteria on any single row in this table will NOT be included in the export files.

      To perform a LookUp on the COURSE.SECTIONS file and choose specific sections, simply fill out the field as normal.

      To enter a pattern string for matching multiple course sections, begin your entry with either an equal sign (=) or an exclamation point followed by an equal sign (!=).  Like in a LookUp, you may enter "..." to indicate a wildcard in the pattern (matches zero or more characters of any kind).

      To match a single digit 0-9, enter a number sign (#).
      If you begin your entry with "=", then any records with section names that match the pattern will meet the Section criteria for this row in the filter table, and if these records also meet the Term and Course criteria specified on the same row (or if there are no Term and Course criteria on the same row), then the records will be filtered out of the export files.

      If you begin your entry with "!=", then any records with section names that do NOT match the pattern will meet the Section criteria for this row in the filter table, and if these records also meet the Term and Course criteria specified on the same row (or if there are no Term and Course criteria on the same row), then the records will be filtered out of the export files.

      For example, the pattern "=...-...-82..." can be stated in English as "match any course section whose section number (the last portion of the section name) begins with the number 82 followed by zero or more other characters", and yields the following results for records with the example section names listed below (assuming any Term or Course filter criteria on the same row are met):
      ACC-201-82A - filtered out; ACC-201-07A - included; ENG-282-82AB - filtered out; ENG-282-01AB - included

      Likewise, the pattern "!=...-...-82..." can be stated in English as "match any course section whose section number (the last portion of the section name) does NOT begin with the number 82 followed by zero or more other characters", and yields the following results for records with the example section names listed below (assuming any Term or Course filter criteria on the same row are met):
      ACC-201-82A - included; ACC-201-07A - filtered out; ENG-282-82AB - included; ENG-282-01AB - filtered out
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