Deploying Content
Once you have your content created it is time to deploy the content to a sign.
- The first step is to add the template to the sign. Do this by simply dragging the desired template from the templates list and dropping it on the desired sign or content player in the network overview pane.
- Then drag each content item to the desired region on the sign.
- You may preview the completed sign using the preview button at the top of the Content Manager screen. You will only be able to view content types that the local PC has been configured to display (e.g. to preview a sign running with a PowerPoint content type, PowerPoint, or PowerPoint viewer must be installed on the Content Manager PC).
- You may make changes to the template, region, or content type by right clicking on them in the Network Overview pane an choosing "Edit Source Template and Edit Source Template Properties". Note - A window will open listing all of the signs using the template. Any changes made to the template will impact all signs utilizing it.
- When you are happy with the design, and you are ready deploy the completed sign simply right click on the content player in the Network Overview pane and choose "Deploy". If you have multiple signs listed under a Location you can right click on the Location and the choose "Deploy" to deploy all signs listed under that Location.