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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base


Test plan summary

05/17/2023 - Functionality of Content
Basic features of working with a document in Content
Test Plan Owner:  Sarah Greentree, Sandy Lake, Chris Vermilion
Backup Testers:  Lisa Timmons, Craig Kirkwood 

Latest versions successfully tested


Test plan items

The sections below describe all tests to perform on etrieve as part of this testing plan.

Page or process Testing instructions Expected result
Search for a document
  1. Go to Content -
  2. In the search box, type in an ID
  3. Pick the appropriate lookup (ex. Student Info)
  4. Click on a document
  • A document for that ID will appear.
Add a document
  1. Click on the title for your area (ex. Registrar)
  2. Click on the paperclip (at the top)
  3. Find a document to add from your computer
  • The document will be in the Unfiled section for your area.
Scan a document
  1. Add page(s) to scanner
  2. Click on the title for your area (ex. Registrar)
  3. Click scanner button in etrieve (at the top)
  4. Verify document came into etrieve
  • The document will be in the Unfiled section for your area.
Index a document
  1. Click on the Unfiled document
  2. Select a Document Type
  3. Type in the Student ID
  4. Select the name
  5. Add other additional information in the key fields if appropriate
  • The document will move from the Unfiled section to the Tree
Append a Page to a document
  1. Click on a document 
  2. Click on the document with a paperclip (at the top)
  3. Find a document to add from your computer
  • This will add an additional page to the end of your document.
Add a sticky note
  1. Click on a document
  2. Click on the arrow under the paper with an A (at the top)
  3. Click on the Paper (far left of all annotations)
  4. Click and drag to create the new sticky note on the document
  5. Double click on the note and type a message
  6. Click the checkmark to save
  • The sticky note will be added to the document
Add a stamp
  1. Click on a document
  2. Click on the arrow under the paper with an A (at the top)
  3. Click on the arrow to display the stamps
  4. Click on a stamp for the document
  5. Click and drag to create the new stamp on the document
  6. Click the checkmark to save
  • The stamp will be added to the document
Move pages
  1. Click on a document
  2. Click on the 9 squares (at the top)
  3. Move page 2 to page 1 by dragging it over
  • The pages were re-ordered.
  1. Click on a document
  2. Click on the printer (at the top)
  3. A new tab will open within Acrobat
  4. Click on the printer (at the top)
  5. Select a printer and/or Adobe Printer
  6. Click Print
  • The document will be printed or saved as a PDF.
Add other annotations
  1. Click on a document
  2. Click on the arrow under the paper with an A (at the top)
  3. Click on the arrow under the ABC
  4. Choose a color
  5. Click and drag to highlight
  6. Click on the arrow under the Pen with a squiggly line
  7. Choose a color
  8. Draw a squiggly line
  9. Click on the Pen with a straight line
  10. Click and drag to redact text
  11. Click the checkmark to save
  • The document will have additional annotations added to it.
  1. Click on a document
  2. Click on the trash can (at the top)
  3. Open the recycle bin
  4. Click on the document 
  • The document will be moved from the Tree to the Recycle Bin.


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