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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

SAS Receipts

Test plan summary

03/03/2021 - SAS Receipts using Doc eServe
This process uses a template in Doc eServe.  Once processed in Colleague, the document is imported into etrieve Content in the SAS Receipts area.
Test Plan Owner:  Stephanie Cerny
Backup Testers:  

Latest versions successfully tested


Test plan items

The sections below describe all tests to perform on etrieve as part of this testing plan.

Page or process Testing instructions Expected result
SAS Receipts
  1. In Colleague Test, create a student receipt.
  2. Select printer: CASHRCPT-M (or CASHRCPT-NG).
  • The SAS Receipt went into etrieve Content in the SAS Receipts area with a doc type of GMGL Receipt.


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