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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base


Test plan summary

03/03/2021 - Slate
Slate exports an Admissions data file and images which is imported and indexed in Student Services - M.  This cannot be tested in etrieve Content test at this time, but will be tested after Go Live in the production etrieve Content environment.
Test Plan Owner:  Beth Ketring
Backup Testers:  

Latest versions successfully tested


Test plan items

The sections below describe all tests to perform on etrieve as part of this testing plan.

Page or process Testing instructions Expected result
Slate export from Admissions
  1. This cannot be tested in the test system at this time.
  2. Once we are live, verify that the export from Admissions (Slate) is copying the files and text file to the appropriate directory (W:\Softdocs\Cloud-Imports\Slate) for import.
  3. Verify the import successfully ran.
  • Documents from Slate export went into etrieve Content in the Student Service M area with one of the MSTU doc types.


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