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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Student Computer and Network Access Policy


Clarification of University position on network access.


Students shall not access files or retrieve any digitally stored information unless authorized to do so. Students shall not attempt to gain access to any entity via electronic means without authorization. Examples of activities that are inappropriate include; attempting to gain unauthorized access to computers or networks owned and or operated by another person or group; and use of an account on a shared computer or network other than the one assigned to the user.


This policy will affect all students


01-Jul-2008    Excerpt from "Student Acceptable Technology Use Policy"

No current revisions

Policy Information

Student Policy            400.04.05


University Information Technology - Infrastructure

Approved By

Chief Information Officer

V.P. for Student Development

Additional Remarks

Excerpt from "Student Acceptable Technology Use Policy"

Related Policies:    Student Handbook

Responsible Official:    Chief Information Officer

There are no known exceptions to this policy at this time.


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