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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Sending an e-Fax

Sending an e-Fax with Univoip "UniFax"

To send an a fax using a number that has been ported into UniFax, follow these steps:

  1. Start a new email in outlook
  2. Set the To field to your 10 digit fax number you're sending to (Example 5551234567) followed by ""
  3. Set the From field to the distribution list used when you receive e-faxes
  4. Add the attachment that needs faxed. The supported file types are listed below

Support File Formats 

Images: .tiff .pdf .jpeg .gif
Documents: .pdf .rtf .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .html

Attachments must be smaller than 15mb

Sending an e-Fax with  Windstream

  1. In a web browser, navigate to
  2. Login in using the login credentials you were provided.
  3. Click on "Send Fax"
    Note: Do not worry that the number listed for Inbound Fax Number is not your regular fax number. Your regular fax number is redirecting to this number. The Inbound Number field will be updated to your regular number in the future.
  4. Fill in the send to number with area code.
  5. Fill in the intended recipient name. 
  6. Click "Add File" to select the file from your computer to send.
  7. The "Send From" number is currently a temporary number and will be changed to your regular fax number in the future.

While you will receive faxes as attachments in your email inbox, you can also check for received faxes at with the same username and password.






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