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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

How to Navigate the Minibar


After completing this how-to you will have knowledge needed to navigate the minibar.  For other guides on system navigation, visit the System Navigation topic page.


1.  The name given to the navbar at the top of every page in Brightspace is called the "minibar".

Minibar - Students.PNG

2.  The IWU logo on the far left will provide you access to the main homepage in Brightspace.

Minibar, Org Link - Students.png

3.  When within a course, the name of the course will appear at the top of the page.  Selecting the course name will take you to the course homepage.

Minibar, Course Link - Students.PNG

4.  The "Select a course" icon is commonly known as the "waffle".  The "waffle" icon opens a list of courses that you have access to in Brightspace with any pinned courses appearing at the top followed by the courses most recently accessed.

Minibar, Waffle 1st - Students.PNG

Minibar, Waffle 2nd - All.png

5.  The "Message alerts" icon contains links to the instant messaging and email feature within Brightspace.

Minibar, Message Alerts - Students.png

5a.  If a new instant message is received, an orange dot will appear at the top right corner of the "Message alerts" button.

Minibar, Message Alerts with Notification - Students.png

6.  The "Subscription alerts" icon displays notifications for course activities you have subscribed to.

Minibar, Subscription Alerts - Students.PNG

6a.  If any activity occurs within an item that you have subscribed to, there will be an orange dot at the top right corner of the "Subscription alerts" icon.

Minibar, Subscription Alerts with Notification - Students.png

7.  The "Update alerts" icon provides notifications for multiple courses and system features in Brightspace, such as a new announcement or a posted grade.

Minibar, Updates Alerts - Students.png

7a.  If an update has been made to a course or system feature, there will be an orange dot at the top right corner of the "Update alerts" icon.

Minibar, Updates Alerts with Notification - Students.png

8.  The "Personal Menu" contains a list of features that you can access to manage your own Brightspace information and settings.

Minibar, Profile Menu - Students.PNG

9.  The "Profile" link allows you to provide biographical information about yourself to students.  **Please note, the use of the Profile feature is purely optional.**

Profile Menu, Profile - All.png

10.  The "Notifications" link navigates to the page where you can manage which activities and tools that you receive notifications from as well as manage how you receive those notifications.

Profile Menu, Notifications - All.png

11.  The "Account Setting" link navigates to the page where you can manage some of the settings for your Brightspace account, such as the time zone you are in or the display size of the system text.

Profile Menu, Account Settings - All.png

12.  The "Progress" link offers you access to the Course Progress page for that specific course.

Profile Menu, Progress - All.png

13.  The "Log Out" link will log you out of your Brightspace session.

Profile Menu, Log Out - All.png

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