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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Turnitin - Viewing Originality Check Reports

1.  Click "Activities" on the Navbar.

2.  Click "Assignment Dropbox".

3.  Select the folder you wish to grade by clicking on the name of the folder.

4.  Scroll down until you come to the names of the students.

5.  You will see the similarity percentage and click on the box to begin grading.

3.   A new window will open in the Turnitin System and you may begin grading.  Once you are done grading move to #4 in this guide.

4.  Go back to the course. You should still have the window open on your computer.

5.  Click "Evaluate" for the student you just graded.

6.  You will come to the Evaluate Submission page.


7.  Under "Turnitin GradeMark" you will see "Use this score".  Click on the blue text "Use this score".   On the right side under "Evaluation" you will also see the score populate.  Remember, this is the score you placed in Turnitin.

8.  Add any additional feedback, etc. that you would like.

9.  Click "Publish" to push the grades to the gradebook. NOTE:  You may publish grades one student at a time or multiple by selecting students or placing a check in the box next to "Last Name, First Name", then click "Publish Feedback".

10.  Click "Back to Submissions" or "Next Student" to continue.

11.  You will be able to tell if you have published the grade or just saved it as a draft.  In the screen shot below it says "Published" to show that I have pushed the grade to the gradebook.  If I had not pushed the grades to the gradebook it would say "Save as Draft". 


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