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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

General Information for WebXR Content: User Interface

General Information

  • The user interface (UI) is located in the bottom-left corner of the frame containing the WebXR contentUI buttons: information, settings, and fullscreen
  • No matter the device being used or the type of WebXR content, the Information and Settings buttons will be available
    • Selecting one of these buttons will open its respective modal
  • The XR button(s) made available will depend upon your device
    • Fullscreen button is available on computer devices that do not have a VR device connected to itEnter fullscreen mode
    • AR button is available on mobile devices and VR devices that have AR supportEnter AR mode with a headset or handheld device
    • VR button is available on mobile devices and VR devicesEnter VR mode with a headset
  • Select an XR button to begin its session
    • To end the XR session, use your device's standard method for going back or exiting its current view

Information Modal

  • Select the Information button, which contains the "i" icon, to open its modalUI_Info_button__All.png
  • The Controls section contains information on how to interact with the WebXR content
    • The information presented will depend on the available navigation controls
      • For example, information related to first-person controls will not be displayed on mobile devices since it is not supported
  • The Reference section contains citation information for the source of the WebXR content

360 Images

Controls. Rotate: left click + drag, Rotate (keyboard): arrow or WASD keys.  References 360° | Piazza dellâ Anfiteatro  360° | Piazza S. Frediano.  All photos were taken by, hapePHOTOGRAPHIX.

3D Model

Controls. Orbit Rotate: left click + drag, Pan: right click + drag, Zoom: mouse wheel, Keyboard Rotate: arrow or WASD keys,  Pan: Shift + arrow or WASD keys,  Zoom: Ctrl + Shift + plus or minus keys.  First-Person. Move: WASD or arrow keys , Rotate: left click + drag . Reference: This work is based on "Bradfordville, FL Civil War Monument" by Tristan Harrenstein licensed under CC-BY-4.0.


Controls. Orbit Rotate: left click + drag, Pan: right click + drag, Zoom: mouse wheel, Keyboard Rotate: arrow or WASD keys,  Pan: Shift + arrow or WASD keys,  Zoom: Ctrl + Shift + plus or minus keys.  First-Person. Move: WASD or arrow keys , Rotate: left click + drag . Reference: This work is based on, Citation for data used to populate graph.

Settings Modal

  • Select the Settings button, which contains the "gear" icon, to open its modalUI_Settings_button__All.png
  • No matter the device being used or the type of WebXR content, there are two setting options always available: resetting the camera position and WebXR enablementCamera: Reset position; WebXR: Enabled
  • In the Camera section, select the Reset position button to put the view of the WebXR content back to as it was initially loaded
    • This setting is helpful if you find you have moved the WebXR content to where it is no longer within view or at a desirable position
  • In the WebXR section, there is a toggle button for enabling and disabling the display of WebXR vs. regular content, respectivelyUI_WebXR_Toggle_Image__All.gif

Navigation Settings

  • When the WebXR content is not 360 image(s), nor using a mobile or VR device, the Navigation section will be availableNavigation: Options
  • Select the Options button to open the modal with settings related to navigation
    • Select the Back button to close the navigation modal and return to the main settings modal
  • There are two toggle buttons for the two different ways of controlling navigation: Orbit and First-personUI_Settings_Navigation_Orbit__All.png
  • Selecting one of the toggle buttons will turn it on or off, and then turn off or on the other navigation control setting
  • When the first-person setting is enabled, an area with additional settings related to it will appearUI_Settings_Navigation_First_Person__All.png

First-Person Settings

  • The Fly setting determines whether navigation is restricted to the initial plane or not
    • When disabled, which is the default, only the x and z axes (horizontal) can be navigated
    • When enabled, the y-axis (vertical) can also be navigated
  • The Acceleration setting determines how fast the navigation occurs
    • The higher the number value, the faster navigation will occur
  • The Acceleration setting can be modified via:
    • Slider input next to the Acceleration label,
    • Value input box below the Acceleration label or
    • Default button below the slider input
      • This button returns the acceleration value to its initial value