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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

How to Access MyWritingLab


This guide will outline the information necessary to register with your WritingLab course.


First Step

Before you can register with MyWritingLab you will need to locate your Course ID. The Course Materials section of each course should contain a link that says the ID of the specific MyWritingLab which is set up prior to the start of the class.  If this is not available or if you do not see the link, please notify your instructor right away. 

Second Step

The MyWritingLab - ID is also a Blackboard folder link.  When you click the the MyWritingLab - ID portion, you will be taken to another page that contains a set of documents that will assist you in registering an account for use with and navigation within the MyWritingLab system.  Below is an example of the MyWritingLab student guides that we provide to students.  

Check the course content as directed above for the MyWritingLab student and registration guides first in the event that course has a different setup.  The documents below are just an example.


MyWritingLab student guide    MyWritingLab registration guide

Because this system is unique to Pearson, and is a service that Indiana Wesleyan University uses, along with course textbook materials, you will need to register an account for use with this system.  Along with your textbooks, a code in the format of DSWIWU-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX will be necessary for the successful creation of this student created account.  If you do not have the code or have lost the code please email so that a new code may be provided to you.

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