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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base


Test plan summary

Allows users to print documents directly into etrieve Content. This cannot be tested in etrieve Content test at this time, but will be tested on Go Live day in the production etrieve Content environment.
Test Plan Owner:  Joy Bagley
Backup Testers:  Brian Shultz

Latest versions successfully tested


Test plan items

The sections below describe all tests to perform on etrieve as part of this testing plan.

Page or process Testing instructions Expected result
Print using DirectPrint
  1. Open a document in Word. 
  2. Click File -> Print
  3. Select one of the virtual printers (ex. VIRT_DP_GFAO).
  4. Click Print
  5. Wait 5-10 minutes to verify the document is in the correct area in etrieve Content (ex. Student Financial Aid NG).

  • Document will be in the Unfiled section for the Student  Financial Aid NG area.
Print using DirectPrint with headers
  1. Open a document in Word.
  2. Click File -> Print
  3. Select one of the virtual printers (ex. VIRT_DP_MFAO).
  4. Click Print
  5. Wait 5-10 minutes to verify the document is in the correct area in etrieve Content. 
  • Document will be in the Tree section for the Student Financial Aid M area.
Print using DirectPrint Generic printer
  1. Open a document in Word.
  2. Click File -> Print
  3. Select generic virtual printer - VIRT_DP_Generic.
  4. Click Print
  5. Wait 5-10 minutes to verify the document is in the correct area in etrieve Content. This depends on the mapping in the table DP_USER_DEFAULTS on the SoftDocsDB server and SoftDocs_Integrate database.

Document will be in the Unfiled section for the area that user is set up for.


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