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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

How to Delete an Assignment Submission


After completing this how-to you will have knowledge needed to delete an assignment submission for a student.  For other guides on the Assignment tool, see the Assignments topic page.


  1. In the course navbar, select the "Activities" icon.
  2. From the "Activities" menu, choose "Assignments".
  3. Select name of the assignment which contains the submission that needs to be deleted.Example Assignment: Title of Assignment
  4. Locate the student submission that needs to be deleted.Your Name, Test Document.docx
  5. To the right of the submission, choose the trash can icon to delete the submission.
  6. When the "Confirmation" pop-up box appears, select "Yes" to delete the submission.
  7. Review the Assignment submissions to ensure that the assignment deleted correctly.Your Name, no submissions
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