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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Posting and Replying to a Discussion


After reviewing this how-to article you will have the ability to start your own posts and respond to others posts within the Discussions tool. For information on how to navigate to discussion topics in Brightspace, please review the Accessing Discussion Topics article.


Start a New Thread

  1. Make sure that you review the full instructions and the associated rubric, if there is one, before starting a new thread.Discussions, Rubric Link - Students.png
  2. From the Discussion topic page, select the Start a New Thread button.Discussions, Start Thread Button - All.png
  3. Input a title for your discussion thread in the Enter a subject field.
  4. Input the text of your discussion post and attach any files within the HTML Editor box.
    1. To add a link within the discussion thread, utilize the Insert Quicklink button in the HTML editor toolbar.Discussions, Insert Quicklink - All.png
    2. To add an attachment to your discussion thread, select the arrow next to the Add attachments field to upload a file, record a video or audio file, or choose an existing file.Discussions, Attachments Collapse Button - All.png
  5. Once you have finalized your discussion thread, select the Post button.Discussions, Post Button - All.png

**It is advisable to type your content into a Word document or similar software, saved on your computer so that you have a backup if needed.  

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Reply to a Thread

  1. Select the title of a thread to view all of the posts and replies.Discussions, Post Title Link - All.png
    1. To reply to a classmate or instructor's initial post, select the Reply to Thread button, or...Discussions, Reply to Thread button - All.png
    2. To post a reply to a reply already made within the thread, select the Reply link.Discussions, Reply to Reply button - Student.png
  2. Refer to Steps 3 and 4 in the Start a New Thread section of this article for assistance with adding content to your reply.