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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Ask a Question in the Virtual Assistant


The Virtual Assistant tool allows you to ask questions about the Brightspace site. The assistant will then search Brightspace's community documentation and provide the top two results it finds.


Submit a Question

  1. Open the Virtual Assistant tool. If you need assistance, please review the Overview of the Virtual Assistant article.
  2. Add your question in the "Type here" editable field.BVA_Question_input_box__All.png
  3. Press the "Enter" key or select the "Send Message" button to submit your question.
  4. Three bubble icons will appear while the tool searches for the top two results for your question.Message sent. Bot Response: Loading

Reviewing the Results

  1. A preview of the first result will appear in a chat message.Bot Response:  Here's what I found. Post to a group discussion topic; Post to group discussions so that learners can discuss topics in independent groups and journal; To post to a group discussion topic 1. Navigate to Discussions. 2. On the Discussions List page, select a group discussion topic. 3. Click Start a New Thread.
  2. Select the chat message showing the article's title to preview the second result.Communicate with others using DiscussionsBot Response: Communicate with others using Discussions; Reply to a discussion thread or post; The Discussions tool allows you to reply to created discussion threads and posts on different course topics, share thoughts about course materials, ask questions, share files, or work with your peers on assignments and homework. To reply to a discussion thread or post
  3. Select the "Read article" link to review the full article.
  4. The full article defaults to open within the Virtual Assistant tool.Communicate with others using Discussions. You can locate and post replies to discussion threads by either using the Discussions tool or from the Content tool. Video: Create a Discussion Post. View a discussion topic. The Discussions tool allows you to view all your discussion topics related to course materials. To view all discussion topics...
    1. Select the "open in a new tab" button to review the article in a new browser tab.  Close the browser tab after reviewing the article and navigate back to the Brightspace tab to continue or close the chat. 
  5. If the article was opened within the tool, select the "return to chat" arrow to navigate back to your conversation and, if needed, continue the chat.

Next Steps

If the information provided by the assistant does not answer your question, please review the Contact a Live Agent via the Virtual Assistant article for instructions on what to do next.