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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

myIWU Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Looking for something in particular? Have a question and need a place to start? This is the place! Check out the most frequently asked questions and see their answers here.
Have a question that you don't see answered here? Run into an issue and need help? Let us know by dropping us a line at !


How do I find my schedule and my progress?
My Progress and My Schedule for Self-Service
How do I navigate the myIWU Portal?
Navigating the myIWU Portal
What if I want to see the N&G Student (or Residential/Employee) page first when visiting the portal?
Visit the site you wish to  "jump to" when visiting the portal. Then set a bookmark in your browser for this page (usually a keyboard shortcut of Windows Key + B or the Command Key + B on a mac). Now anytime you use this bookmark you'll land right where you want to be!
How do I get to my Email now?
While in the myIWU Portal, select the clipboard_e7b7358bdf0620e39ab6bbb7a989307b7.png in the upper left corner of the page and select Outlook
How do I get to Brightspace / my online courses?
From the myIWU Home page select "Brightspace" from the buttons located on the far right. The button is also available on the right hand page from the N&G Student page as well as the Employee Page and Wesley Seminary Page. For those using the Residential Student page, there is a Brightspace Homepage link located on the left side of the page.
Where can I find an item that was in DataConnect/WebAdvisor?
Locating Items from DataConnect in SelfService
How do I view my itemized bill?
On the Make a Payment screen click on 'Student Finance' in the breadcrumb at the top of the page and select 'Account Activity'. Then you may select a term and then click on the 'View Statement' button on the right. This should give you a statement itemized by course tuition and fees.
How to find student-related information within Colleague?
You can find Student related information within Colleague by following this guide. To have access to Colleague you must be an employee and granted permission to access it. 
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