Sharing Items
After reviewing this how-to article, you will know how to share items in your ePortfolio tool with other individuals in Brightspace. If you need to share items with one or more individuals multiple times, it is recommended that you utilize the Sharing Groups feature. For more information on this feature, review the Create and Manage a Sharing Group article.
Please note that sharing items from the ePortfolio tool must be shared within a course and cannot be done from the main Brightspace homepage. The tool cannot share items from the main Brightspace homepage with individual users. It can only be done within a course.
- In the ePortfolio toolbar, select the My Items tab.
- Next to the name of the chosen item, select the "actions for ..." button and choose the Share option.
- Select the Add Users and Groups button (the following steps must be performed within one of your courses and not from the main Brightspace homepage).
- Use the Search field to find the needed user(s). Please note the system will not provide an exact match of your search. Instead, the results will contain a part of the search. For example, if you searched by "the," anyone with "the" anywhere in their name would be displayed, such as "Mathew."
- Select the name of the needed individual or Sharing Group to add them to the sharing list.
- Select the Share button after adding all the Sharing Groups and individual users you wish to share with.
- The item will automatically be made available to the users for review within their ePortfolio tool. Select the Close button if you do not wish to notify the users about the shared item. If you want to notify the users via an email alert in Brightspace, follow the steps outlined in the instructions below.
- Mark the Select All button and then choose the Send Invite button.
- Modify and add to the Subject and Message fields as needed. Once you have finished, select the Send button to notify the users.
- The email sent to users will be similar to the following example:
- The email sent to users will be similar to the following example: