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Indiana Wesleyan University Support Knowledge Base

Student Quick Reference


Looking for assistance with a specific topic or not sure who to contact? View the Recommended Articles and Contact Information at the bottom of the page.
Student Quick Guide:

Students at Indiana Wesleyan University are expected to make use of technology on a regular basis. This includes accessing their student email for communication, viewing online course materials, and utilizing other online resources. This article provides an overview of key Indiana Wesleyan University systems as well as outlines common issues students may encounter.

IWU Sharepoint Portal:

The IWU Sharepoint Portal is the main point of contact for all online Indiana Weslyan University resources. It can be accessed through the IWU Login Page. (IWU Login Page) For assistance logging into the IWU Sharepoint Portal please follow the instructions provided here.  For a tour of the common resources within the IWU Sharepoint Portal a comprehensive guide has been made available. (Sharepoint Portal FAQ)


Brightspace is a platform utilized by the university to manage all online course materials. Some classes are taught exclusively through Brightspace while others utilize Brightspace in addition to other online or in-person resources. Brightspace can be access both through a link within the IWU Sharepoint Portal as well as by accessing the website directly. Detailed directions for accessing Brightspace are available here. (Accessing Brightspace) The Brightspace system is managed by the independent organization D2L Ltd. in conjunction with Indiana Wesleyan University. Students may be directed to D2L for assistance with Brightspace related issues.

University Student Email:

All Indiana Wesleyan University Students are provided with a university email address. This email address will be their primary point of contact for all university related communications. Students are expected to monitor it regularly and to use it for all official communications. This email address can be accessed through the main IWU Sharepoint Portal or through a direct link. (Student Email Login) The email address provided to students are provided by the university in conjunction with Microsoft. So expect to see Microsoft branding in addition to Indiana Wesleyan University branding on email related pages. In addition to a university issued email address, all students also have access to the full suite of Office products provided by Microsoft. This includes Microsoft Word, PointPoint, and Excel. These are excelent tools that will be heavily utilized throughout the educational experience. (Access Office 365 for Students)

Other IWU Systems:

In addition to these systems, Indiana Wesleyan University utilizes a wide range of additional online resources as part of the educational experience. These systems vary greatly depending on program and course. A full catalog of these services is available to students. (Coming Soon)


Recommended Articles:

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    Click here to view full details on System Statuses


    IT Support Center:

    IWU's IT Support Center provides a number of technical services to the IWU community. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • login assistance to IWU systems
    • troubleshooting of IWU systems and services 
    • support and troubleshooting of IT maintained computing equipment
    • network connectivity assistance at IWU locations

    If you need technical assistance, you can get in touch with us via the methods below during our business hours which are also listed below. Need help with something else / need to reach another office

    IWU's IT Support Center is closed when the university closes for holidays, campus closures due to weather etc.
    Contact Information

    download-48.pngSubmit a ticket online:
    Submit a ticket or view your ticket's status online
    Requires an IWU username and password

    email-48.pngEmail: (see Service Hours to the right)
    Send an email to our Tech Support Specialists

    telephone-48.pngCall: 765-677-2209 (see hours to the right)
    Toll free: 1-877-489-5678

    Service Hours all times eastern

    email-48.pngEmail & Online Tickets:
    Mon – Fri: 7am to 6pm
    Sat & Sun: Closed

    Mon – Fri: 7am to 6pm
    Sat & Sun: Closed


    Contact Information for other IWU Offices/Services:

    Office/Area Contact Info Notes/Items Handled
    Financial Aid IWU Marion 📧
    💻  Financial Aid
    Financial aid questions, FAFSA, etc.
    Financial Aid National and Global 📞  1-866-498-4968
    💻  Financial Aid
    Financial aid questions, FAFSA, etc.
    Student Accounts IWU Marion 📞  765-677-2411
    💻  Student Accounts
    Payments, tuition, etc.
    Student Accounts National and Global 📞 1-866-498-4968
    💻  Student Accounts
    Payments, tuition, etc.
    Jackson Library 📞  765-677-2184
    💻  Jackson Library
    On-campus library, library resources, research assistance
    Online Campus Library Services OCLS 📞  1-800-521-1848
    💻  OCLS Website
    Library resources, research assistance, APA guides
    Registrar 📞  765-677-2131
    💻  Registrar
    Transcripts, graduation info, enrollment verification



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